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Hollywood – đź’Ż


Stories About Town Star Meter

It’s like nowhere else – and yet it’s just like everywhere else

Out There

BanjoI go by Banjo. And Banjo is Hollywood – đź’Ż. An Observationalist & Presentationalist.

Not Just Cool – Coolest

Time Out Magazine

Turns out, I live in the 26th coolest neighborhood in the world. 

This doesn’t surprise me – I have long believed that the variety of Hollywood’s landscape, people and lifestyles exemplify so many of the struggles and triumphs going on in the world today. 

It’s All Right Here

Young, old, English speakers, foreign languages, fashionistas, slobs, gentrifiers, the gentrified, locals, people from all over the world, LGBTQIA2S+, Seniors, Conservatives, Libs, people who love to get involved, people who are totally self-involved, the cool, the uncool, nice folks, dickheads, Influencers, the undocumented, the young and rich, the old and established, the just starting outs, the it’s all overs, addicts, people in recovery, the smart, the crafty, the well connected, the raw talent, the seasoned vets, the winners, the comeback kids, people forced to pivot… they’re all right here in Hollywood!

Observing & Interacting

According to Time Out Magazine

And by observing and interacting with these many types – both on the street and Online – I’ve been able to: 
1) Accumulate a wide range of entertainment industry experience & experiences 
2) Employ the landscape elements to showcase the kind of original thinking and level of execution customers and collaborators could expect me to bring to their party 
3) Introduce a fresh slate of real-life and digital properties built around ‘Hollywood’

Yes – I’m in LA LA Land

The following links and quick blurbs introduce the products and skill sets I’m talking about. The kind of operations I believe I can add value to are also discussed below.

In Hollywood

💯 posters

Original artwork, topped with Hollywood Truisms. Nice introduction to my Hollywood POV, campaign presentation style, love for the topical and twist of phrase.


On Screen

Film Reviews in a Snack
Eat movies up! I see everything. Not just the big stuff and what’s on streaming, but the indies and international productions that introduce the next generation of talent and trends – at home and across the globe. Believe this exposure gives me unique insights to what’s happening in real communities around the world, as well as the vibes of the general populace.

On the streets 

Out There In Hollywood

Log a ton of miles through the streets, hills and alleys of LA. Observe and interact with merchants, random passersby, the homeless… 

Danny James Moore has lived on the streets of Hollywood since 1986. Wanted to create a series of talk and tips that 1) provide helpful advice to those who might become homeless and 2) create a platform where someone who isn’t normally seen or heard could present themselves as an expert. 

Believe the series illustrates an ability to create something entertaining, empathetic and useful when addressimg heavy issues with many viewpoints and emotions. (*When viewing, ideal to start at the beginning.)


Tasty Nuggets

Hollywood showcase and portal that serves up Posts created from Banjo’s various Hollywood-focused IPs. The site is a bouillabaisse of original thoughts & properties, a link-a-rama for the clickably curious and #420Friendly.

Original IPs

Waldo In LA
There are a multitude of properties in the Tasty Nuggets IP package. “Hey Sharks” is the story of how it all adds up – presented as a multimedia digital script segment for the popular TV show Shark Tank.

Behind The Scenes

Casting By Julia Kim
Have helped out behind the behind the scenes of a decades long Indie, Studio, streamer, festival, panel, media, film and TV career. In the room and on the line for a voluminous amount of filmmaking conversations with directors, producers, actors, managers, executives, the union, the media and more. This, too, has given me a solid understanding of what it takes to get projects going, how to take something to the next level, how to interact with the various players inside and outside of the system, etc. Together, we watch everything.

Creating A Niche

invAsianLA is Hollywood Prep & Diversity Consulting. Established this natural Brand extension to nurture fresh Asian talent for the multitudes of new opportunities.

Making It In Hollywood

The Marketing Dept.
Able to quickly see a situation’s tastiest nuggets and come up with fresh, doable solutions that will help elevate and differentiate a project, person or Brand at each step of the communication process.